

We've created some resources on topics from our studies and family experiences.


LGBTQ Understanding: Doctrine and Science

LGBTQ Understanding: Doctrine and Science

The societal, scientific, and religious understanding of LGBTQ people through time is complex and on-going. As we've listened to various (sometimes conflicting) perspectives on this topic, we've felt an overwhelming need for greater understanding.

Faith Journey Resources

Faith Journey Resources

Faith is a journey and must be navigated through different stages in life. Here are some resources to help do so.

Quotes on Authority

Quotes on Authority

Any religion or institution which involves authority of leaders must also avoid extreme notions of authoritarianism, dogmatism, or fundamentalism.

Quotes on Science and Religion

Quotes on Science and Religion

Science and religion work orthogonally in important ways, but their power is when they can be used together to grasp something that neither could on their own.

Quotes on Environmental Stewardship

Quotes on Environmental Stewardship

Belief in a world or environment created and called 'good' by God (Genesis 1) should cause us to to consider how we treat creation.

Helping Children Navigate Technology

Helping Children Navigate Technology

We believe our responsibility as parents is to love our children and help them learn how to use their agency in choosing ways to respond to life that lead to positive outcomes.

Family Scripture Mastery

Family Scripture Mastery

For our family, we've seen a need to have our own list of scriptures which focus primarily on charity and its central and foundational role.